Jully 18, 2022

Why can I add packages but not use create react app?

The ability to add packages to a project is an essential part of any development process. However, there are certain limitations when it comes to using the create-react-app command line tool. This essay will explore why one can add packages but not use create-react-app, as well as the implications of this limitation. It will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using create-react-app, and how one can work around this limitation.


What is Create-React-App?

Create-react-app is a command line tool that allows developers to quickly set up a React project with minimal configuration. It is a popular choice for developers who want to get started quickly with React, as it eliminates the need for manual configuration. Create-react-app also provides a number of features such as hot reloading, linting, and testing. However, there are certain limitations when it comes to using create-react-app.


Why Can’t You Use Create-React-App?

The main reason why one cannot use create-react-app is that it does not allow for custom configuration. Create-react-app is designed to be a quick and easy way to get started with React, and as such it does not allow for custom configuration. This means that if one wants to add additional packages or libraries to their project, they must do so manually.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Create-React-App

The main advantage of using create-react-app is that it allows developers to quickly set up a React project with minimal configuration. This makes it ideal for developers who are just getting started with React, as it eliminates the need for manual configuration. Additionally, the create-react app provides a number of features such as hot reloading, linting, and testing. 


However, there are some disadvantages to using create-react-app. As mentioned previously, create-react-app does not allow for custom configuration, which means that if one wants to add additional packages or libraries to their project, one must do so manually. Additionally, create-react-app does not provide support for certain technologies such as TypeScript or GraphQL.


How to Work Around the Limitation?

Fortunately, there are ways to work around the limitation of not being able to use create-react-app. One option is to use a different command lines tool such as npx or yarn. These tools allow for custom configuration and provide support for technologies such as TypeScript and GraphQL. Additionally, one can also manually configure their project by adding packages and libraries directly to their project’s package.json file.



In conclusion, one cannot use create-react-app due to its lack of custom configuration options. However, there are ways to work around this limitation by using other command line tools or manually configuring the project. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use create-react-app should be based on the individual needs of the developer.

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