Jully 18, 2022

Top 5 SEO plugins for wordpress.

The world’s most popular content management system (CMS) is WordPress, about 40 percent of websites worldwide are built and managed with WordPress, you can run a WordPress site without any coding skills,another reason why WordPress is so popular is its themes.

WordPress theme basically refers to the design and development of each WordPress website,One of the most interesting things about using WordPress is its plugin features. A plugin is a tool that can be used to add important functionality to a site. We know that plugins are used to add additional features or functionality to a WordPress website.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The process by which the content of a website is positioned on the first page of various search engines is called search engine optimization. SEO of a WordPress website is very easy. Because there are various plugins to do WordPress website SEO. And we know that WordPress site uses plugins to get various benefits.


Here are 5 SEO plugins for WordPress sites

  1. Yoast SEO.
  2. Rank Math.
  3. All-in-One SEO.
  4. Premium SEO Pack.
  5. The SEO Framework.


  1. Yoast SEO: Yoast SEO is currently one of the most popular free SEO plugins. The plugin helps SEO optimize the entire WordPress site. 

It can be used to easily create sitemaps and submit them to all search engines including Google, Bing, Baidu, and Yandex, which likewise helps to avoid indexing required pages, categories, tags, etc. Yoast plugin helps to keep article readability correct by selecting focus keywords for articles, pages, and products. With this, you can use SEO titles and SEO descriptions for all posts and pages. You can also use custom title tags, meta descriptions, open graph tags, canonical and meta robot tags, and add some basic schema markup. Helps to find duplicate posts.

This is a completely free plugin. But it also has a premium version. Yoast SEO Premium includes Local SEO, Video SEO, Internal Link Recommendations, Redirect Management Options, Content Insights, and an Ad-Free Look interface.


  1. Rank Math: Rank Math is currently the most powerful WordPress SEO plugin on the market. It is widely used as it has some great features. The plugin helps SEO optimize the entire WordPress site. This is the Yoast SEO plugin replacement.

In particular, 404 error has monitoring, click analyze and redirect facilities. Which is not available in any other WordPress SEO plugin. Another plugin is to use a separate 404 or redirect plugin for this.


  1. All-in-One SEO: All-in-one SEO is a popular SEO plugin. All-in-One SEO is one of the most downloaded WordPress plugins. Newbies can easily use it to optimize their site SEO. With the help of All-in-One SEO, you can create XML Sitemap and submit your site to search engines like Google, BING, and Yandex.

Can create schema markup. Can do custom post-type SEO. Besides, you can give SEO titles, and SEO description auto or manually.


  1. Premium SEO Pack: Premium Seo Pack is a popular WordPress plugin. With this plugin, you can customize the meta description, title, and other features. You can use this plugin with e-commerce and ‘wooCommerce’ plugins. Also, you can customize meta descriptions for Facebook, and Twitter separately. 


  1. The SEO Framework: You may be a Yoast user and looking for the best option. But there you have it, the SEO framework Yoast is one of the best options for SEO. The framework is lightweight and simple. Its interface and features are user-friendly. It will advise you where to work for SEO and if everything is fine, it will mark your content as SEO-friendly like SEO Press and Yoast.


Finally, SEO plugins don’t just improve your search results, they can help you improve your search engine optimization. Most SEO plugins will suggest what you need to do. Shows you SEO errors and suggests how to fix them.

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