Jully 18, 2022

What is important to become a Laravel expert?

Before you explore Laravel development as a career, you should understand the basics of Laravel.

What is Laravel?

Laravel, development framework that used to create websites and web applications. Laravel creator Taylor Otwell released its beta version on June 9, 2011. Since then, Laravel has had eight major releases, including:

Laravel 2 = Released in September 2011

Laravel 3 = released in 2012

Laravel 4 = wreleased in May 2013 (people also call Laravel 4 ‘enlightened’)

Laravel 5 = released in February 2015

Laravel 6 = Released in September 2019

Laravel 7 = released in March 2020

Laravel 8 = released in September 2020

Laravel 9 = released in January 2022


Laravel features

Laravel’s most popular features include:


  • Full Authentication System: Helps developers work securely
  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): Helps developers to use tables more efficiently
  • Module library: Developers use it to create apps without writing code
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI) with pre-built commands: Developers use it to build, fix and test their applications.
  • Automated Testing: Helps developers to speed up the testing process
  • Virtual Development Environment: Provides developers with a homestead and all the tools they need to create applications


How to become a Laravel developer

Suppose you are an experienced developer looking for a career change. In that case, you may have many of the skills covered in the “What Skills Required to Become a Laravel Developer” section.


Programming language knowledge

Laravel programmers should have a good knowledge of basic web technologies. They must have a thorough understanding of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to be able to create and deploy applications.



Hypertext Markup Language is the core of web application development. It uses tags to define various types of elements and content. Simply put, because of HTML, one can distinguish elements of a website like the cover title, body text, and subheading.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

Its primary function is to set how the HTML elements of your website will appear on the front end of the page. In the website development process, HTML provides tools for structuring content, but CSS cleans and styles it.



This logic-based programming language takes website development to the next level. One of its main features is to modify the content of the website to give it a different behavior. All CTAs or confirmation boxes that appear daily on the website built in JavaScript.


Basic PHP:

Laravel, PHP web framework and therefore it mandatory to well acquainted with PHP before embarking on the development process. Although it built on an MVC pattern, its building blocks are PHP functions. So, to excel in the art of building quality web solutions with Laravel, one must be good at PHP. Besides these programming languages, it recommended to know CSS and JavaScript for better development.


The clarity in the MVC pattern:

Model View Controller, abbreviated to MVC, the foundation on which this PHP web framework built. The model communicates with the database to fetch information about your objects. Controllers  used to handle user requests and retrieve data using models, and views are used to render pages. Knowing the basics of MVC is mandatory so that you can offer the best development services


Make yourself aware of the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):

As frameworks are generally written in OOP, Laravel comes under this category and hence one needs to be familiar with many such concepts like classes, objects, properties, methods, dependencies, abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and so on. This will greatly help you in coding programs better.


Getting to Know the Composers:

You should also have knowledge of Composer. This tool effectively paves the way for dependency management in Laravel. You get the privilege of declaring the libraries that your project depends on, which makes it easier to manage them during your development process.


Understanding Rhetoric Questions:

You also need to be aware of rhetorical questions that will make your development process more productive in nature. Eloquent uses models in Laravel for queries and it simplifies the entire coding process. It provides a simple syntax where you can achieve complex queries in less time because you don’t have to write long queries.


The art of URL rewriting:

URL rewriting is another important technique that you need to know while mastering the art of Laravel web development services. When you rewrite your web application’s URL, you make way for a well-defined URL that is easy to remember.


Install Laravel:

There are several methods that can be taken into consideration when installing Laravel. Familiarize yourself with some of them to make it easy to install the PHP web framework. Laravel Installer, Composer build-project and download are some methods that can be considered for the installation process.


Advantages of Examination:

Proficiency with Laravel’s testing facilities is essential so that you can create an error-free website. The testing facility of this PHP web framework is robust and easy to practice. Testing code from the command line in the right way is optimal to increase the performance of your web application.


Don’t stop learning from books and online material:

Referencing books and online materials never go out of date and so make the best use of these learning materials which are available in all formats. If you want to read and learn or watch and learn, you can choose the type of content that is most suitable for learning. Also, you can see a lot of content on online platforms. However, choose content that formatted properly so that it is easy for you to understand. Make the best of them to improve your Laravel skills.


Do extensive coding practice:

After you have gathered enough knowledge the next step will be to start coding. Put all the knowledge and skills that you have acquired into developing your web applications. Parallel to learning the concepts of Laravel start with a test project so that it becomes easy for you to understand the technicalities of this PHP web framework. Moreover, only with practice, you  considered an expert Laravel web developer.


Finally,  Above mentioned are some important points that will help you to master Laravel web development services. Also, remember that not only theoretical knowledge mastered, but you also practice acquiring practical skills.

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