Jully 18, 2022

How to insert data in mongoDB using pymongo

Data can be inserted into MongoDB using Mongo Shell, but we can also insert data into MongoDB using programming languages. In this article, we’ll discuss how to insert documents into MongoDB using the Python programming language.



Python is a high-level programming language. This is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages. There are many reasons why developers love Python.


Its syntax is simple and easy to understand. It works perfectly with databases. It has an excellent collection of modules in its standard library.


Let us discuss How to insert data in mongoDB using pymongo.


Inserting data into MongoDB using Python

Before we begin, here is the fully working Python code. Go through it and then we will discuss the code step by step.


1  # importing pymongo

2  from pymongo import MongoClient


4  # establing connection

5  try:

6    connect = MongoClient()

7    print(“Connected successfully!!!”)

8  except:

9   print(“Could not connect to MongoDB”)


11 # connecting or switching to the database

12 db = connect.demoDB


14  # creating or switching to demoCollection

15  collection = db.demoCollection


17 # first document

18 document1 = {

19       “name”:”John”,

 20       “age”:24,

 21       “location”:”New York”

 22       }

23 #second document

24 document2 = {

25        “name”:”Sam”,

26        “age”:21,

27        “location”:”Chicago”

28        }


30 # Inserting both document one by one

31 collection.insert_one(document1)

32 collection.insert_one(document2)




36 # Printing the data inserted

37 cursor = collection.find()

38 for record in cursor:

39    print(record)


Let’s break this code down and understand exactly what’s going on.


Importing MongoClient and establishing the connection


Pymongo is used in Python to work with MongoDB. Since we’re inserting data into MongoDB, we first need to establish a connection to it. To establish the connection, we need MongoClient. In the first line of the program, we did exactly that.


from pymongo import MongoClient


Now, we can use MongoClient in our programs. Let’s establish a connection.


connect = MongoClient()


We used a variable – connection, to establish a connection with the mongo client. But here we can have exceptions like a connection to MongoClient failed. So in our program, we put the above in a try-catch block.



    connect = MongoClient()

    print(“Connected successfully!”)


    print(“Could not connect to MongoDB”)


If the connection succeeds, the code is executed, otherwise, an exception is thrown.


Connecting to a database and to a collection


Now that we have a connection to MongoDB, we need to specify where the data should be inserted. Obviously, a database will exist. So to connect to a database, we’ll use the “connection” variable we created earlier when connecting to MongoClient.


db = connect.demoDB


demoDB is database. If the database is present, it will switch to it, otherwise, a new database will be created.


In a database, there is collection. We need a collection now. We can use “db” variable to create connection to a collection.


collection = db.demoCollection


We now have a connection to the DemoDB database and DemoCollection collection.


Creating and Inserting Documents

The next step is to create the documents that will be inserted into DemoCollection. A MongoDB document should be produced in JSON format. Let’s build one.


document1 = {



        “location”:”New York”


document2 = {






Each of the above documents has three fields – Name, Age and Location.


It’s time for the important task – inserting data into the collection. To insert documents one after the other, we used the insert_one method.





This way we insert data into MongoDB using Python.


Check the output

To verify, if the data was inserted correctly, we used the find method to retrieve all documents from the democollection.


cursor = collection.find()

for record in cursor:



Let’s examine the output.


Connected successfully!

{‘_id’: ObjectId(‘5d6bd4df25d75a89c4b1d4b0’), ‘name’: ‘John’, ‘age’: 24, ‘location’: ‘New York’}

{‘_id’: ObjectId(‘5d6bd4df25d75a89c4b1d4b1’), ‘name’: ‘Sam’, ‘age’: 21, ‘location’: ‘Chicago’}


Monitor the output. First, it says “Successfully connected!” And then it prints the document we inserted.



We can perform CRUD operations on MongoDB through Python programming language. It’s plain and simple. Here we used MongoClient to establish a connection and then insert data using the insert_one method. We hope you’ve learned what you need to solve your problem.

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